Mind Mapping – becoming Real

Want your computer generated Mind Maps to look like the real thing?
(thank you Mindwerx)

Until now, Mind Maps produced on computers looked very similar unless you spent time customising them and they didn’t look like hand-drawn Mind Maps.

The solution is here with iMindMap
– a real breakthrough in thinking in how to approach Mind Mapping.

Highly recommended when you want to use/publish great looking Mind Maps – download a trial version at www.imindmap.com.au

Check out the Mind Map Gallery and download the latest “How to Mind Map” worksheet with the NEW Laws of Mind Mapping created in iMindMap.

How to Mind Map Workbooks have just been reprinted with the New Mind Map and are available for 95 cents each or 10 for $9.00 AUD

Great for those new to Mind Mapping and for students to practice their Mind Maps. And as I have been advocating all along, a wonderful tool for all to use and one I strongly encourage you to use.

Everything You Need to Know About Strategy: A Baker’s Dozen Eternal Verities

by Tom Peters

“Strategy” is essentially about “knowin’ where you’re goin.'” Not, mostly, a bad idea; though with today’s market gyrations – and market gyration velocity – that’s increasingly difficult to do, a chimera, a distraction even. For me, “knowin’ who you’re goin’ with” tops the list of imperatives in a world of whitewater, and knowin’ that those you’re goin’ with share your passion and determination – and the flexibility of mind to adjust and adjust and adjust on a dime. All of which is to say I’m not, and never have been, a champion of the management school of thought that says, or implies, “Get the strategy right (big word, “right”!), and the rest, as in all good things, will more or less automatically follow.” In fact I think such a view – admittedly not as prevalent today as it used to be, in the wake of everything from huge bankruptcies to 9/11 – is total crap.

So what do you need to know about “strategy”? That was the question I was asked recently by a rather contentious, die-hard academic strategy buff. (These ideas tend to die hardest in academic settings – where the stakes are so low.) My answer, in brief, follows….

How They Got Their Big Break

Search all you want, there is no magic formula for fame and fortune.

The truth is, big breaks don’t just happen; people make them happen… through hard work, networking, courage, passion and even pain. And as much as modern culture has glorified the notion of the “big break” ( American Idol, anyone?), lasting success has less to do with singular, transcendent moments than it does with incremental progress and unflagging grit.

All are interesting stories, but probably nothing we haven’t heard before… still, they continue to ‘make it’ so best we investigate why?

If you would prefer to see this in pictures, go here.

How did you get your big break?
How will you get your next big break?

Sharpening Your Skills: Negotiation

Sharpening Your Skills dives into the HBS Working Knowledge archives to bring together articles on ways to improve your business skills.

Questions answered:
How can I negotiate more skillfully and confidently?
How can I negotiate in an uncertain environment?
Do negotiation dynamics change in a family business?
What’s the strategic way to make concessions?

4 articles linked to one, all from the Harvard Business School… well worth the effort of taking the time to read

To Inform or To Persuade? That is the Question

By Dean Brenner for ChangeThis

Brenner believes there is a critical flaw in how we communicate. We naturally divide our communications in two approaches: to inform or to persuade. When, according to Brenner, every communication is an opportunity to persuade. Next time you hear someone say, “I just wanted to give you an update…” you’ll know an opportunity to shape opinion was missed.

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