The Happiness Pie recipe… Seasons Greetings

and a new home for “Adventures with Daughter”; but first…

I discovered this in a book I read recently, and really liked it.
Something to reflect on over the season to be jolly!

Happiness Pie Recipe
(from “Belly Dancers for Beginners” by Liz Byrski)

1 cup of Confidence
1 cup of Love
in a pan of Happiness
mix the above
add a pinch of Tenderness
1 tablespoon of Trust
stir well in the Sunshine
roll out a Loving crust
flour with Contentment
keep all free from strife
fill with Understanding
and bake well all your Life…

For 2011 and beyond, all “Adventures with Daughter” posts will have their own blog at Drop by at any time to catch up on our latest exploits around the world!

In the meantime though, top of the festive season to you and yours
ho ho ho

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